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Exhibition Opening: Wong Ping — Earwax

  • Friday
    Mar 04, 2022
    4:00 pm–8:00 pm

Curated by Hou Hanru

March 5 – June 26, 2022

Wong Ping, Crumbling Earwax, 2022, video still, courtesy of the artist.

Murmurs leak from someone’s ear.
It’s the echo created by the excess of a bunch of unpleasant words
that have been blocked from the eardrum. 
Those that made it through are simply nonsense,
only the earwax remain as wisdom.

Wong Ping, Earwax (excerpt)

Wong Ping is one of the most eccentric artists of our time… Probably, this is because he grew up in a very eccentric city called Hong Kong, trapped in an even more eccentric time that is called postcolonial-neocolonial transition. Now there is an urgent need to deal with an all the more eccentric ‘new age’, strangely called ‘Covid and post/neo-Covid’ that is turning the world into a generally eccentric place. Or you could call it an innovative ecology of life.

From Hong Kong, Ping sends us greetings, somewhat intimately, via the secret canal – his ears are now connected to ours. Is there a hole to some fresh air out there, on the other side of the world, in this ‘pandemic new age’?

We are falling in love with Ping… It’s time to reread El amor en los tiempos del cólera (Gabriel Garcia Márquez).

– Hou Hanru

In collaboration with Videoart At Midnight, the artist will also show a selection of his video works ahead of the exhibition opening, on Friday, February 25, 2022, at BABYLON.